Do Social Media Ads effect sales?
Sales production is a culmination of lead volume and conversion rate. However, so many people make the mistake of focusing on an inconsistent source of leads. Let’s take a look at your current marketing and see if MediaBoost Social Media ads will increase your lead generation.
First, where are your current sales or customers coming from? Referrals? Traditional Marketing? Digital Advertising? All of those sales channels have value and should be maximized IF they are producing. The main issue is that most people rely heavily on referrals which leaves you exposed for inconsistent growth. Waiting for past clients to tell other people about your services detours expansion because you are relying on people to remember you at that very moment. Most of the time, they actually forget.
Remember: you only know of the referrals you get, not the ones you miss out on.
Lead Consistency is the most important aspect for the growth of our business. Social Media marketing delivers the most consistent lead stream in the industry. Want to know why? It’s simple really: Direct to consumer ads + top-of-mind awareness through retargeting.
MediaBoost Social Media ads target your desired audience with a stream of meaningful and content rich banners that drive traffic to your preferred landing pages. In addition, each MediaBoost campaign includes a CPM impressions trail that surrounds your audience as they navigate through their favorite social media platform. Case in point, MediaBoost ads trigger Social Media users to click and visit your website and our retargeting creates organic top-of-mind awareness. Meaning…they are either clicking now or remembering later.
The great news is Social Media Advertising is the most affordable form of marketing today. MediaBoost works with any budget for proof of concept. If stale email marketing and neighborhood farming aren’t giving you what you need, perhaps it’s time to explore the compounding effects of Social Media marketing.
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