Can Social Media Ads Boost Sales
Let’s take an analytical approach on sales fundamentals on this article. It is important to obtain a top down view of your current busines environment. The success of any business is sales. Your industry, your service, or your profession all require sales to grow. Business growth, regardless of how much, is predicated on the following: Audience, Brand Recognition, and Top-of-Mind Awareness. Social Media Advertising addresses each of the following principle of marketing.
Audience: In order to identify your audience, we need to ask some questions. How large is your demographic (target audience)? How big is your current client base? Is your business a store front? or are you strictly online? Answers will vary but without them, understanding where you are and where you want to be in the future will be a challenge. Identifying your audience will streamline Social Media Advertising and lead generation.
Brand Recognition: The recognition of your business is vital, since it is the foundation of new and repeat customers. Brand recognition is not just your color scheme or your logo. Let’s look at “recognition” in 2 ways: When you recognize a person, it’s because you have seen them before. There is a point of origin in your memory that is immediately pulling details about this individual from your previous encounter. In addition, “recognition” can also be viewed as acknowledgement. Case in point, does your business get the recognition it deserves?
Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOMA): Out of the 3, this one is the most important because it applies to new customers and a direct source of sustainable repeat business. TOMA means that your service, expertise, product, or business is the first thing a person thinks of for themselves or during a conversation with a friend or family member. Like most businesses, referrals are a major source of success. TOMA is the reason for the referrals you are receiving. If growing your business is your goal, Top-of-Mind Awareness must increase.
Now, let’s take the above 3 paragraphs and apply them to MediaBoost Social Media Ads. First, we will identify your audience size and geographic location. Next, we will create a series of Social Media Ads that puts your brand on the forefront. Lastly, MediaBoost AI will uncover your future prospects Social Media behavior and usage to maximize campaign visibility.
Thousands of individuals in your market will potential customers. Your audience will be targeted, and your brand will be recognized. This makes Top-of-Mind Awareness possible. The best way to grow your customer base is getting them to think of you first.
So, do Social Media Ads boost sales? Of course! Social Media marketing is the most
cost-effective method for business growth. This is digital marketing based on the principle law of numbers: the more leads you generate, the more sales you accumulate. MediaBoost Social Media marketing delivers scalable growth for any budget. We look forward to helping you identify your audience, uncover your brand, and making you more memorable.
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